Monday 5 December 2016

10 Cell phone life hacks ,for better reception:-

10 Cell phone life hacks ,for better reception:-
In todays time or in modern days in this global world every one wants to keep in touch with their friends
or with their relatives.  Why let bad reception get in your way?
 So no one in this modern world does one want to get up into their roof to get good network connection or signal for his

to talk with their friends or with their loved ones.

In this article we will tell you about how to:-

1. Learn or how to see the actual strength of your signal
2. you will get a good signal when you will move towards your window.
3. Prevent texts, and voicemails, from coming through delayed.
4. you can push your phone to  latch onto stronger signals nearby.

Mark your house where you will get good signal:-

Now try walking around your house and stopping near each of the rooms for a couple of minutes
to make a point or mark of which areas have good signal and which areas are the weakest or strongest.
This way you will know your entire ideal calling locations and where you will get good strength for signal
 and so you will know where to go for quality conversations.

Apps to the rescue:-

Speaking of locations, let us try to find the phone tower you're connected to right now.
If you have an Android, go to the "Play Store" and download a free program called "Open Signal".
Open it up and click the tower icon on the left-hand side and
 you'll see it brings you to a map view showing all the towers in your area.

Make a real life connection:-
 while you are moving from one place to another for better network as you can not make phone call
or it may be the same reason for your phone quality is suffering. At this time you should try to
 rebooting your signal. You can easily do that by switching to airplane mode for about 3 seconds,
 then switching it back.

Build  antena for yourself:-
If you are not satisfied with the devices mentioned above
devices mentioned above, you can always build your own discrete version.
It can be done very quickly and easily with simple materials.

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